Can you relate?

Are you sick of feeling frumpy and unnoticed, like you’re fading into the background?​​
Tired of being “on a diet” and losing a few pounds, but never keeping it off? Feeling like you've got so obsessive around food that you now practically have an eating disorder?
“Healthy foods” seem so underwhelming, and it’s heart breaking that the foods you truly enjoy seem to be off-limits.
You’re constantly hungry, yet you often feel uncomfortable and bloated, trapped in a cycle that feels impossible to break.
Your mind feels clouded—simple words escape you, sentences trail off unfinished, and the frustration of memory loss weighs heavily.
Struggling with feelings of depression, anxiety, stress, and a sense of hopelessness?
You find yourself using alcohol as a daily escape; and the hangovers are getting worse.
You’ve yo-yo dieted so many times, you’ve lost count. You’ve tried every fad diet under the sun, hoping to find one that will work.
Year after year, the weight seems to creep up, forcing you to buy clothes in bigger sizes, adding to the frustration.​
You’re working out more than ever, but the results are disheartening—you worry about the future, fretting about how things will go when you PHYSICALLY can’t exercise this much any more!
Women: there’s the looming dread of menopause; you know things are just going to get even more difficult. Or perhaps you're already there and despite the HRT, it's like hell on earth.
Men: erectile dysfunction brings feelings of emasculation, isolation, loneliness, guilt, low self worth or all of the above.
Feel like you're too old to be able to change anything?
Everything seems to ache or hurt, and you can’t remember the last time your joints weren’t a source of constant pain.
Headaches have become an unwelcome companion, and it feels like you’re always reaching for another pill.
​Your energy is depleted, leaving you irritable, short-tempered, and snapping at the people you care about most.
More and more foods seem to disagree with you, leaving you in pain, but you can never pinpoint exactly which ones they are!
Talking to your doctor hasn’t brought relief; each brief appointment (that you waited weeks for) only ends with another prescription in hand, but no real answers.​
You are tired all the time, yet you never seem able to get a decent night’s sleep?
Hate your useless body and how it’s failing you.​
How many resonated?
This is where I can help you! Read on...
So, who is this programme ideal for?
You have an open mind and a problem solving mentality
You know that all change starts with a GROWTH MINDSET
You are goal driven and you thrive when you hit targets
You’re successful in your career. You’re brilliant at your job
You're an achiever
You were so busy taking care of everyone else, that you forgot to take care of you; but you know you need to
You believe that there is an answer and you’re not ready to throw in the towel just yet!
Who is my programme NOT for?
Those who are looking for another quick fix
People whose mindset is holding them back to the point where they won’t try anything new
Those who think "eating fat automatically means bad cholesterol" or who adhere to the belief that "Calories in equals calories out"
Those who are so in love with their junk food diet, that life without ....... (fill in the blank!) simply wouldn't be worth living and they cannot see beyond their next 'fix'
People whose believe that “eat less, move more” is the answer
[this unhelpful line was invented by Coco-Cola in an advertising campaign in 2013 in an attempt to convince customers that their products were healthy and that being fat was your own fault]
Unfortunately, I can’t help you if you are vegan or vegetarian. I believe that getting enough bio-available nutrients into the human body by eating only plants is impossible for most people

How is my process different?
My programme works through implementing gradual changes in daily habits; nothing too drastic to begin with.
We want to gently nurture your body back to peak health, without creating more unnecessary stress. We are going to sooth your hormones, kick-start your metabolism and balance your blood sugar
We will address your situation personally: it is not a “one size fits all” scenario. Every ‘body' is different and unique
We’ll look at what you’re eating and drinking right now and how those foods are making you feel
We are going to look at everything; a full understanding of your past history is key to preparing a plan which will change everything for you moving forwards. All you have to do is follow the steps and then Rinse and Repeat
We will leave no stone unturned: we are going to delve into every area of your health and together we will figure out where you’ve gone wrong and more importantly, how we are going to put you right again

Me: before my programme
Me: summer '24
What can I expect in 3 months?
You will not recognise yourself in 12 weeks: but this is a plan you’ll use for the rest of your life. You can get excited about becoming physically and mentally stronger and more resilient
You will lose your cravings as the excess weight and inches melt away. But it isn't just about looking better on the outside
You’ll start to feel happier as your stresses reduce
Inflammation is at the root of all disease and I’m going to teach you how to reduce and eventually eliminate yours and in doing so, improve every aspect of your health
You will optimise your microbiome, which in turn will positively affect all of your body systems
Your hormones will start working again as they were meant to
Your thoughts will clarify as your brain optimises
​I am going to hold your hand as you change yourself into the person you know you are meant to be
Once you learn the techniques I’m going to teach you, you cannot “unlearn” them
You’ll be unstoppable!

Science backed solutions...
not holistic woo-woo
Why is this all so important?
Weight gain, depression, loss of energy and lack of libido, allergies, intolerances, immune disorders, hormonal issues, diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, (to name but a few) are ALL outward symptoms of underlying disease in your body, which is hidden from view. But these conditions should never be either suppressed or taken lightly as they can lead to a seriously reduced quality of life, becoming a burden to others and a premature death.
Visceral or "toxic" body fat, is dangerous and hides out of sight, choking the oxygen and nutrient supply to your vital organs, including the heart, liver, kidneys, colon, sex organs and reducing our life expectancy. This toxic fat also appears in our muscles as marbling (like you'd see in a fatty piece of meat in the butcher's).
Obesity levels are at a worldwide all time high. This is absolutely not just about looking good: it’s about being truly healthy, inside and out.
What to anticipate from your 3-month program?
We will start by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your current situation, addressing your concerns and areas for improvement. This evaluation will encompass a range of factors, from your dietary habits and family background to your daily physical activity and sleep routines. I believe in establishing a strong foundation across the essential aspects to uphold your overall well-being: health, relationships, personal development, purpose, exposure to sunlight, and hydration. Together, we will explore your priorities, address any unaddressed issues, and navigate areas where you may be uncertain about initiating change.
We will delve into your stress levels, work-life balance, physical activity and emotional well-being. I will shed light on the interconnected factors influencing your overall health, including mental well-being, blood sugar levels, hormonal balance, medication or supplement usage and dietary choices.
My aim is to educate you to nourish your body with wholesome, real foods, steering clear of the hidden harmful chemicals present in all processed and ultra-processed food. We will be embracing a simple yet elegant approach to eating for optimal health and disease prevention.
I will guide you through gradual, digestible steps (pun intended!) to understand the reasons behind these lifestyle modifications and their potential impact on your well-being and longevity.
"Whilst genetics loads the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger"
I strongly believe in this saying, which emphasises our own ability to influence our health. I've witnessed so many examples of people changing their lifestyles and changing their outcomes.
It’s time to take your symptoms seriously. If any of what you've read so far resonates, then you need my help. Our broken food system and a toxic world has left you feeling like it’s your fault: but it really isn’t
Contrary to the belief that family history dictates our fate, I will empower you to take charge of your health. By making small, positive changes consistently, you will witness significant transformations over time and enhance your overall well-being.
I know firsthand, because I've done it for myself.
You possess an unparalleled understanding of your body, and I will equip you with the knowledge to maximise its potential.
Your body is the greatest gift you have ever been given and you live there! Let me show you how to make the most of it.
What's next? Let's talk!
Book a Free Discovery Call!

Next Steps.....
Having qualified as a Board Certified Health Coach, Level 5 diploma with the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London, UK, (with worldwide accreditation) I bring a lifetime's worth of knowledge and experience to practice.
I am dedicated to guiding individuals towards their optimal health using natural and sustainable methods.
My approach is natural and personalised, based on eating real food and considers each client’s unique needs and lifestyle.
What’s the next step? Book your Free No Obligation Discovery Call!
​We will have an initial free 30 minute chat to ensure that I feel that you’re a good fit for my programme. You can ask all your burning questions and ensure you are happy with everything. After that, it's just a case of deciding when we are going to get you started.
I will require full payment in advance of your first scheduled meeting. Payments can be made online via the links in my website.
I'm here to help you break free from the cycle of yo-yo dieting, restrictive eating, bingeing, and the utter frustration of an unhealthy relationship with food.
If you've ever felt hopeless about losing weight, or are being dragged down by your health problems, (both great and small) I’m here to guide you toward a lifestyle that is not only healthy, reverses disease and chronic conditions, but also keeps the pounds (or kilos) off for good.

So, what are you waiting for?
Imagine a way of living that lets you savour delicious foods that you love, without guilt, while still enjoying your social life. That gives you energy to enjoy your leisure time to the full. That reverses health conditions and making you feel happier.
I’ll help you turn this into a healthy, sustainable way of life that ends your health struggles once and for all, allowing you to nourish both your body and soul with real food at the same time as reclaiming peak health.
This is all absolutely possible for you!
Click the button to book your Free Discovery Call with me...I can't wait to hear from you.